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主页 / 新闻 / 日常神经紧张及其对您的意义



Worry is a normal part of life, and can even be helpful in some instances.忧虑是生活中的正常部分,甚至在某些情况下可能会有所帮助。 We often worry about things that are present in our lives, such as finances, work, and family.我们经常担心生活中发生的事情,例如财务,工作和家庭。 This worry has the potential to help us make good decisions in these areas.这种担忧有可能帮助我们在这些领域做出正确的决策。

During times like these, feeling worried can be perfectly normal.在这样的时期,担心会很正常。 But some people find it hard to control their worries.但是有些人发现很难控制自己的忧虑。 Worry that can develop into feelings of anxiety are more constant and can often affect people's daily lives.担心会发展成焦虑感,这种担忧会持续不断,并且经常会影响人们的日常生活。


  1. You are beginning to worry excessively about events in your life.您开始过分担心生活中的事件。 These are persistent thoughts that drive feelings of anxiousness to the forefront of your mind regularly.这些是持续不断的想法,经常将焦虑感带到您的思想前沿。 
  2. Sleep problems occur when you are dealing with stressful situations.在应对压力大的情况下会出现睡眠问题。 About 50% of all people大约XNUMX%的人 每天都紧张的人 经常遇到这类问题。
  3. Similarly, you can also be dealing with nervousness and worry if you wake up with a racing mind, wired and ready to go.同样,如果您以赛车的头脑醒来,连线并准备出发,您也可能会感到紧张和担心。 It can be challenging to calm yourself down because the fight-or-flight response initiated instantly when you started your morning routine.使自己冷静下来可能是具有挑战性的,因为在您开始早上的例行活动后,战斗或逃避反应立即启动。
  4. 处理紧张和忧虑也可能导致肌肉紧张和酸痛。
  5. Worry and daily nervousness can also lead to stage fright, which is another common issue.担心和日常的紧张情绪也可能导致怯场,这是另一个常见问题。 If you begin to feel nervous about an upcoming event several weeks before it occurs, then this can be a sign.如果您在即将发生的几周前开始对即将发生的事件感到紧张,则可能是一个迹象。 
  6. Stress and nervousness over time can usually make people feel self-conscious more than they do during a normal social encounter.与正常的社会交往相比,随着时间的推移,压力和紧张通常会使人们更加自觉。 You might dwell on what others thought about you during an event.您可能会想念其他人在活动中对您的想法。 Some people even replay situations in their minds repetitively to see if they could have done anything differently.有些人甚至反复地反复思考各种情况,以查看他们是否可以做其他不同的事情。


Luckily there are some coping strategies which can be applied to your lifestyle on a day-to-day basis, as well as long term strategies.幸运的是,有些应对策略以及长期策略可以每天应用于您的生活方式。 Try these when you're feeling nervous or stressed:当您感到紧张或压力时,请尝试以下方法:

  • 超时。 Practice yoga, listen to music, meditate, get a massage, or learn relaxation techniques.练习瑜伽,听音乐,冥想,做按摩或学习放松技巧。 Stepping back from the problem helps clear your head.从问题上退后一步可以帮助您清除头脑。
  • 饮食要均衡。 Do not skip any meals.不要不吃饭。 Do keep healthful, energy-boosting snacks on hand.一定要保持健康,高能的零食。
  • 限制酒精和咖啡因,这会加剧焦虑并引发惊恐发作。
  • 睡足。 承受压力时,您的身体需要额外的睡眠和休息。
  • 每天锻炼 to help you feel good and maintain your health.帮助您感觉良好并保持健康。 Check out the fitness tips below.查看以下健身提示。
  • 深呼吸。 Inhale and exhale slowly.缓慢吸气和呼气。
  • 慢慢数到10。 Repeat, and count to 20 if necessary.重复,并在必要时计数到XNUMX。
  • 尽力而为。 Instead of aiming for perfection, which isn't possible, be proud of however close you get.与其为不可能做到的完美而努力,不如为自己亲近而自豪。
  • 接受你无法控制一切。 Put your stress in perspective: Is it really as bad as you think?着眼于您的压力:这真的和您想象的一样糟糕吗?
  • 保持积极的态度。 Make an effort to replace negative thoughts with positive ones.努力用积极的思想代替消极的思想。
  • 参与其中。 志愿服务或寻找其他在社区中活跃的方法,这可以建立支持网络并让您摆脱日常压力。
  • 了解是什么引发了您的焦虑。 Is it work, family relationships or something else you can identify?是工作,家庭关系还是您可以识别的其他东西? Write in a journal when you're feeling stressed or anxious, and look for a pattern.当您感到压力或焦虑时,写日记,寻找一种模式。
  • 和某人说话。 Tell friends and family you're feeling overwhelmed, and let them know how they can help you.告诉朋友和家人您不知所措,让他们知道如何为您提供帮助。 Talk to a physician or therapist for professional help.向医生或治疗师寻求专业帮助。


Many people choose to avoid potential triggers.许多人选择避免潜在的触发因素。 This decision makes it easier to manage their mood, but it often comes at the cost of isolation.这个决定使他们的情绪管理变得更加容易,但这往往是以孤立为代价的。

Stress relief sprays are an option to consider when you are struggling with issues that involve daily nervousness.当您每天都在紧张的问题上挣扎时,可以考虑使用压力缓解喷雾剂。 The act of using a product can provide comfort, even if there is no medical benefit to the item.即使产品没有医疗益处,使用产品的行为也可以提供舒适感。

焦虑症 如果您正在寻找应对持续的压力和忧虑的方法,还可以提供潜在的强大优势。

Daily nervousness is not an indication of failure.每天的紧张并不表示失败。 It shows that you want to achieve the best possible results in life.它表明您想要获得生活中尽可能最佳的结果。 Identify what may be happening, seek professional help if necessary, and then find a coping skill that can help to relieve the signs of stress in your life.找出可能发生的情况,必要时寻求专业帮助,然后找到一种应对技巧,以帮助缓解生活中的压力迹象。